We Invite Failure.
We realize that failure is a part of life and we not only accept that, but also embrace it. If we live up to our mission, we are going to consistently attempt to change the world, and sometimes, we will need to start from scratch after realizing it doesn’t work. Along the way, we must always remember that failure is not the end, but rather the beginning of a creative renaissance that informs our future decisions.
We Love Risk.
There is something so freeing in taking a risk. While the fear in pushing boundaries may never go away, knowing that we have the courage to actually push those boundaries is exciting. Risk is too often set aside in favor of a guarantee. We view that as settling and want to always strive to see risk as an opportunity, not as a potential liability.
We Care About Our Clients First. Not Profits.
We are competing in a people business. Too often, companies desire higher profits rather than exceeding the expectations of their clients. We believe that our clients’ needs are paramount and while we are a for-profit company, our success is built on our people, our desire to do great things, and the reputation we build. Profits play no role in that.
We Want to Change the World for the Better.
We are stewards for the next generation. We will always strive to do what’s best for the greatest number of people and ensure that our communications are neither self-serving nor negatively impacting the world. We have been handed the opportunity to promote great things and enhance the lives for people who will ultimately use the products and services we promote. We must always respect that.
We Must Only Do Good.
Not all products and services fit into our values. We will work only with those brands that share our vision for positive change. We will always aim to promote freedom, equality, human rights, and value to people around the world. We are a moral and ethical firm, and will not allow any opportunity to change that.
We Never Let Success Satisfy Us.
Accolades are nice, but they are fleeting. While we may have had success in the past, we realize that our work is never done. All of our clients have needs that must be addressed in a timely fashion, and our previous success will not guarantee our future success. We will use our success to inform our future decision-making, but not allow us to forget that tomorrow is a new day.
We Care About Family.
We never forget that we are a company made up of individuals who have lives outside of work. We always consider the ways in which our work will impact our families and take care to properly balance our hard work with our personal lives. We firmly believe we can better serve our clients by ensuring proper care of ourselves and those we love.
We Treat All Clients Equally.
New or old, large or small, all clients matter equally to us and receive the same level of quality and attention. We do not differentiate clients by size or profitability and hold back the “best” work for certain companies. We deliver the finest consulting services to every client, no matter their size or budget.
We Are Always Looking to the Future.
We have no desire to follow the crowd. We are constantly examining conventional wisdom and finding holes in it to determine how we could benefit our clients more than any other firm. We are unorthodox in our thinking and believe that the combination of risk and innovation will allow us to develop and be first to the market with new techniques and services that will improve our service line.
The ‘D2’ Brand Means Something.
The “D2” signature we place on all of our services means something to us. We believe that there is expertise, inspiration, and care behind our brand, and we always strive to maintain that. We are not satisfied with “good enough” and will never place the D2 brand on anything of which we are not personally proud. The D2 brand is something special we want to preserve and grow for future generations. We take its image seriously.